Dual CPU Cyberon | This code example shows how to use the dual CPU architecture of the PSoC™ 6 MCU to implement a keyword spotting and command processing application.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Machine Learning Gesture Classification | This code example demonstrates how to perform gesture classification based on motion sensor (accelerometer and gyroscope) data. The code example comes with a pre-trained model that classifies the following gestures: circle, square, and side-to-side.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Machine Learning Neural Network Profiler | This code example demonstrates how to run through the machine learning (ML) development flow with PSoC™ 6 MCU, where the end user has a pre-trained Neural Network (NN) model, which can be profiled and validated at the PC and target device.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |