ADC basic | This example demonstrates use of the ADC HAL driver to perform voltage measurements.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Audio Streaming | This example, which is based on FreeRTOS, demonstrates how to stream audio data, with a publicly available and widely used protocol Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS), from a micro controller to a host system.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Basic Device Firmware Upgrade | This example demonstrates the basic DFU with PSoC™ 6 MCU. This includes downloading an application from a host and installing it in the device flash. and then transferring control to that application.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Class-B Analog peripherals | This code example demonstrates the use of the Class-B Safety Test Library to test the analog peripherals such as, comparator, opamp, and ADC.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Class-B Communication protocol | This code example demonstrates the use of the Class-B Safety Test Library to test the communication protocol in embedded systems. The example conducts a communication test by configuring two SCB instances as UART and connecting their TX and RX pins to the corresponding RX and TX pins of other blocks. The objective is to detect any potential data corruption during transit.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Class-B Core peripherals | This code example demonstrates the use of class-B Safety Test Library to test the core peripherals of the MCU, which are critical for ensuring safety. The example includes tests such as CPU Registers, Program Counter, WDT, clock, interrupt, IO, flash (Fletcher's test + CRC test), SRAM, stack and config Registers.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Class-B I2C peripheral | This code example demonstrates the use of the Class-B Safety Test Library to test the I2C interface. The example tests the I2C interface by configuring one SCB instance as an I2C master and another SCB instance as an I2C slave. It then verifies the communication between the two Serial Communication Blocks (SCBs) by connecting external jumper wires between these two SCB blocks.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Class-B SPI loopback | This code example demonstrates the use of the Class-B safety test library to test the SPI loopback test.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Class-B Stack test FreeRTOS | This code example demonstrates the use of the Class-B Safety Test Library to test the stack overflow and stack underflow in a FreeRTOS environment.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Class-B TCPWM peripheral | This code example demonstrates the use of the Class-B Safety Test Library to test the TCPWM resource configured as a timer/counter, PWM, and PWM output Gate Kill.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Class-B UART loopback | This code example demonstrates the use of Class-B Safety Test Library to test the UART loopback test. The example performs the UART loopback test by configuring one SCB instance as UART and connecting its TX and RX pins internally using Smart I/O.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Cryptography AES Demonstration | This code example encrypts and decrypts user input data using the AES algorithm using a 128-bit key. The encrypted and decrypted data are displayed on a UART terminal emulator.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Cryptography SHA Demonstration | This code example demonstrates how to generate a 32-byte hash value or message digest for an arbitrary user input message with the SHA-2 algorithm using the Cryptographic hardware block in PSoC™ 6 MCU.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Cryptography TRNG Demonstration | This code example demonstrates how to generate a one-time password (OTP) of eight characters in length with the true random number generation feature using the cryptographic hardware block in MCU.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
CSD Current DAC | This code example demonstrates using the CSD hardware-block-based current digital-to-analog converter (CSDIDAC) as a current source and a current sink.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
CSDADC | This example demonstrates the usage of CSDADC in PSoC™ 6 MCU.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Dual-CPU IPC Pipes | This example demonstrates how to use the inter-processor communication (IPC) driver to implement a message pipe in PSoC™ 6 MCU. The pipe is used to send messages between CPUs.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Dual-CPU IPC Semaphore | This example demonstrates how to use the inter-processor communication (IPC) driver to implement a semaphore in PSoC™ 6 MCU. The semaphore is used as a lock to control access to a resource shared by the CPUs and synchronize the initialization instructions.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emFile Filesystem | This example uses the Arm® Cortex®-M4 (CM4) CPU of PSoC™ 6 MCU to execute an emFile filesystem task. This example uses the emFile middleware library that includes emFile in the form of pre-built libraries along with the hardware layer and OS layer implementation for PSoC™ 6 MCUs.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Emulated EEPROM | This code example demonstrates emulation of EEPROM behavior in flash memory of PSoC™ 6 MCU using emeeprom middleware.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emUSB-Device Audio FreeRTOS | This example demonstrates how to setup the USB block of an Infineon MCU using Segger's emUSB-device middleware to implement a USB audio device and HID audio playback control which then connects to the PC via the USB interface.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emUSB-Device Audio Recorder FreeRTOS | This example demonstrates how to set up the USB block of an Infineon MCU using audio class of Segger's emUSB-Device middleware to implement an audio recorder.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emUSB-Device CDC echo | This example demonstrates how to configure the USB block in a PSoC™ 6 MCU for communication device class (CDC) using Segger's emUSB-Device middleware. When configured for a CDC, the PSoC™ 6 MCU device gets enumerated as a virtual COM port, which can be read and written by a terminal emulator program on a PC.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emUSB-Device HID Generic | This example demonstrates how to configure the USB block in a PSoC™ 6 MCU as a Human Interface Device (HID) using Segger's emUSB-Device middleware. The device enumerates as a Generic HID device.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emUSB-Device HID Mouse | This example demonstrates how to configure the USB block in a PSoC™ 6 MCU as a HID using Segger's emUSB-Device middleware. The device enumerates as a 3-button mouse.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emUSB-Device Mass Storage File System | This example demonstrates how to configure the USB block in a PSoC™ 6 MCU device as a Mass Storage (MSC) device and run a file system (FatFs) through an external memory (microSD). This example uses FreeRTOS and Segger's emUSB-Device middleware.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emusb-Device Quad USB to UART bridge | This sample program showcases the implementation of the USB Bulk device class to create four USB-UART bridges utilizing PSoC™ 6 MCU. Upon enumeration, the program presents itself as four Bulk interfaces on a PC. Each UART corresponds to a Bulk interface (for example, UART0 mapped to Bulk Interface 0). Any data transmitted via the Bulk interface will be seen on the corresponding UART port TX pin, while any data received through the MCU's UART RX pin will be seen on the corresponding Bulk Interface..
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emUSB-Device Suspend and Resume | This code example demonstrates how PSoC™ 6 USB detects a suspend condition, enters a low-power state, and restores normal operation when USB activity is resumed. The code example uses Segger's emUSB-Device middleware.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
emUSB-Host CDC echo | This example demonstrates how to configure the USB block in a PSoC™ 6 MCU as a communication device class (CDC) host using Segger's emUSB-Host middleware. When configured as a CDC host, the PSoC™ 6 MCU device enumerates the CDC device as a virtual COM port and echoes back the incoming data from the device.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Fault Handling | This example demonstrates the fault handling functionality of PSoC™ 6 MCU using Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) System Library (SysLib).
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Free-Running Multi-Counter Watchdog Timer | This code example explains how to set up a multi-counter watchdog timer (MCWDT) using the MCWDT PDL resource to measure the timing between events in free-running mode on PSoC™ 6 MCU.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
GPIO Pins | This example demonstrates the GPIO pin operation on the PSoC™ 6 MCU, using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox™. This includes reading, writing, interrupts, and full port configurations.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL FreeRTOS-POSIX Demo | This code example demonstrates the usage of FreeRTOS POSIX library for Infineon MCUs.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL GPIO Interrupt | This example demonstrates the use of a GPIO configured as an input pin to generate interrupts on an Infineon MCU.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL I2C Master | This example demonstrates the use of I2C (HAL) resource in Master mode. The I2C master is configured to send command packets to control a user LED on the slave.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL I2C Slave | This code example demonstrates the use of I2C resource in HAL in slave mode. The I2C slave is configured to receive command packets to control a user LED on the kit.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL Low-Power Timer | This code example demonstrates how to configure a low-power timer to measure the timing between events in free-running mode using the LPTimer HAL resource.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL PWM Square Wave | This code example generates a square wave using the PWM driver. An LED connected to the PWM output pin blinks at 2 Hz.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL RTC periodic wakeup | This code example demonstrates how to enter the DeepSleep and Hibernate modes, and wakeup using the RTC alarm.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL SPI Master | This example demonstrates the use of SPI (HAL) resource in Master mode. The SPI master is configured to send command packets to control a user LED on the slave.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL SPI Slave | This code example demonstrates the use of SPI (HAL) resource in Slave mode. The SPI slave is configured to receive command packets to control a user LED on the kit.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL TCPWM Timer | This code example generates an interrupt every second with the timer driver, and toggles the user LED when a timer interrupt is generated.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
HAL Watchdog Timer | This example explains how to set up a Watchdog Timer (WDT) using the WDT HAL resource. The WDT resets the device if it is not serviced or "kicked" within the configured timeout interval.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
I2C Master EzI2C Slave | This example demonstrates the use of I2C (HAL) resource in Master mode with an EzI2C slave. The I2C master is configured to send command packets to control a user LED on the slave. Both the slave and the master can be configured on the same kit.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
I2C Slave Using Callbacks | This example demonstrates the operation of the I2C (HAL) resource in Slave mode using callbacks.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
I2S Audio | This example demonstrates how to use the I2S hardware block in PSoC™ 6 MCU to interface with an audio codec.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
I2S Master using Smart IO and SPI | This code example uses a SPI resource and Smart I/O in PSoC™ 6 MCU to implement the Inter-IC Sound (I2S) master interface (TX only).
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Littlefs Filesystem | This example uses the Arm® Cortex®-M4 (CM4) CPU of PSoC™ 6 MCU to execute a littlefs filesystem task. This example uses the mtb-littlefs middleware library that implements the littlefs-compatible block device drivers for different storage devices such as SD card and NOR flash.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Low Power Comparator - Wakeup from Hibernate | This code example demonstrates the functionality of wakeup from the Hibernate mode using the Low-Power Comparator (LPCOMP)
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
LVGL Demo | This code example demonstrates displaying a 2D graphics demo on a TFT display using the Light and Versatile Graphics Library (LVGL). The 2D graphics displays a music player application, which is listed as one of the standard demo on the LVGL page.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
LZ4 compression and decompression demo | This code example demonstrates a simple LZ4 compression and decompression on a byte array. The byte array included with this application is the pre-built image of the hello-world application . The application boots the decompressed byte array on a user command.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
MCUboot-Based Basic Bootloader | This example demonstrates using MCUboot with PSoC™ 6 MCUs and XMC™ 7000 MCUs an open-source secure bootloader for 32-bit MCUs. The bootloader app runs on CM0+.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Multi Half-Bridge | This example shows the usage of the Infineon multi half-bridge library with several application examples.For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
OPTIGA Cryptography | This example uses an Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust Security Solution on a PSoC™ 6 MCU to execute example code to perform available crypto operations on the Secure Element.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
OPTIGA MQTT Client | This example uses an Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust Security Solution on a PSoC™ 6 MCU to execute example code to perform an MQTT connection to the AWS IoT Cloud.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
OPTIGA Power management | This example uses an Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust Security Solution on a PSoC™ 6 MCU to execute example code to control the hibernation feature on the security solution.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
OPTIGA Trust M Data and certificates management | This example uses an Infineon OPTIGA™ Trust Security Solution on a PSoC™ 6 MCU to execute example code to manage internal aata or key Objects including its Update.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
PDM PCM Audio | This example demonstrates how to use the pulse-density modulation/pulse-code modulation (PDM/PCM) hardware block in PSoC™ 6 MCU with a digital microphone.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
PDM to I2S Audio | This example demonstrates how to route Pulse-Density Modulation (PDM) audio data to the Inter-IC Sound (I2S) Interface in PSoC™ 6 MCU.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Protection Units FreeRTOS | This example demonstrates how to use the protection units to isolate the CM0+ CPU memory from CM4. This example uses FreeRTOS (v10.3.1)
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
QSPI F-RAM Access | This code example demonstrates interfacing with an external QSPI F-RAM memeory and access it in single, dual or quad SPI mode using the serial memory interface (SMIF) block in PSoC™ 6 MCU. This example uses the PSoC™ 6 MCU standard QSPI HAL driver library to build the QSPI F-RAM access API.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
QSPI Flash Read Write Using SFDP | This example demonstrates interfacing with an external NOR flash memory in Quad-SPI mode using the Serial Memory Interface (SMIF) block in PSoC™ 6 MCU. This example uses the Serial Flash Discoverable Parameters (SFDP) standard to auto-discover the flash parameters and the commands for read, program, and erase operations.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
QSPI XIP | This example demonstrates how to use the queued serial peripheral interface (QSPI) block of the PSoC™ 6 MCU in eXecute-in-Place (XiP) mode with an external flash memory device using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox™ software.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Ramping LED using Smart IO | This example uses a PWM resource and Smart I/O in MCU to implement a ramping LED, where an LED gradually cycles through increasing and decreasing brightness levels. There is no CPU usage except for the initialization of PWM and Smart I/O.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
RTC alarm interrupt | This code example demonstrates how to enter the DeepSleep mode, and wakeup using the RTC alarm.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
RTC Basics | This example demonstrates the usage of the real-time clock (RTC) in Infineon MCU. It shows how to get and set the time in the RTC using the RTC HAL API.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
SCB SPI Master DMA | This example demonstrates the use of the SPI Serial Communication Block (SCB) resource for PSoC™ 6 MCU Master mode using DMA.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
SCB UART Transmit and Receive using DMA | This code example demonstrates the UART transmit and receive operation in PSoC™ 6 MCU using DMA. The application uses a serial terminal to read data and echoes what is received. UART is configured to perform both transmit and receive operations.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Serial Flash Read Write | This code example demonstrates interfacing an external NOR flash memory using serial flash library.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
SGPIO Target Interface | This example uses a SPI resource and Smart I/O in PSoC™ 6 MCU to implement the serial general purpose input/output (SGPIO) target interface, which is a four-signal bus defined in the SFF-8485 standard. Another SPI resource is used to implement the SGPIO initiator, which drives the clock on the SGPIO bus.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
Sine wave using VDAC | This code example generates a sine wave using the 12-bit voltage DAC and DMA blocks. The DMA channel transfers data from a lookup table to the DAC value register without any CPU intervention. Other than the function calls to initialize and enable the hardware, no other software operations are involved in this example. The code example is based on Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) libraries.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |
UART Transmit and Receive | This example demonstrates the UART (HAL) transmit and receive operation in an Infineon MCU.
For more details, see the README on GitHub. |