Dual-CPU Empty PSoC6 AppThis is a minimal starter dual-CPU template for PSoC™ 6 MCU devices. For more details, see the README on GitHub.
Empty AppThis is a minimal starter application template for Infineon MCU devices. For more details, see the README on GitHub.
Hello WorldThis code example demonstrates a simple UART communication by printing a "Hello World" message on a terminal and blinking an LED using a timer resource. This code example is based on HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) libraries. For more details, see the README on GitHub.
Security AppThis is a minimal starter dual-CPU security application template for PSoC™ 62/63 MCU devices. This code example is meant to be a companion to the AN221111 - PSoC™ 6 MCU: Designing a secured system application note.It demonstrates following features to create a secured system as explained in the application note. For more details, see the README on GitHub.
Switching Power ModesThis example demonstrates how to transition PSoC™ 6 between the following power modes - Active, Sleep, Low Power Active, Low Power Sleep, and Deep Sleep. For more details, see the README on GitHub.