About this document

Scope and purpose

AN230938 explains the low-power analog blocks of the PSoC™ 62 MCU CY8C62x4 product line and provides ways to reduce the power consumption in analog sensing applications.

Intended audience

This application note explains how to reduce the power consumption in the analog blocks of the CY8C62x4 product line. For information on reducing power consumption at the chip level with other peripherals, and to know the power modes of the PSoC 6 device in general, see AN219528 – PSoC   6 MCU Low-Power Modes and Power Reduction Techniques. This application note also provides basic overview of the analog blocks in the CY8C62x4 product line. For detailed information, refer to the Technical Reference Manual (TRM). If you are new to PSoC 6, see AN228571 – Getting Started with PSoC 6 MCU on ModusToolbox™.

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A typical analog front end (AFE) for a measurement system, as Figure 1 shows, involves the use of opamps for filtering and amplification, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for digitization, and a CPU for post processing the results. Battery operated systems deploying AFEs pose a challenge in achieving battery life target. In a typical MCU with opamps and ADC, these are significant contributers of power consumption. It becomes critical, specifically in battery-operated systems, to optimize the power levels.

Traditionally, power cycling is used, wherein the MCU is periodically set to low-power state when no measurement is required and is switched to normal power for measurements, resulting in reduced average current. However, in most cases not all peripherals, nor the CPU, need to be active while the ADC is performing the measurements. The CY8C62x4 device achieves significant power savings by allowing only the analog blocks – opamps, ADC, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and reference to remain ON or power cycle1 in System Deep Sleep mode and collect the measurement results autonomously while rest of the peripherals, including the CPU, are powered off.

Figure 1. Typical measurement system

The CY8C62x4 product line is unique among the PSoC™ 6 families because it can perform low-power analog sensing. This application note provides an overview of the CY8C62x4 product line and ways to reduce its power consumption. For the evaluation of power consumption, spreadsheet-based calculator can be used from the AN219528 – PSoC™ 6 MCU low-power modes and power reduction techniques.

1 "duty cycle" term is used for the "power cycle" feature in CY8C62x4 product line.

Programmable analog features

The CY8C62x4 product line has the following rich set of analog features. For an extensive list of peripherals, see the device datasheet.

  • Dual opamps

    • System Deep Sleep operation with configurable duty-cycling
    • Configurable power levels
    • Sample and Hold (S/H) circuit (useful with DAC output buffering)
  • Two 12-bit, differential input SAR ADCs

    • Maximum of 2 Msps sample rate in System LP/ULP Power mode and 100 Ksps in System Deep Sleep mode
    • Each ADC allows 16 channels (with 13 unique inputs)
    • Scan of all enabled channels without CPU
    • Reference sources: 1.2V bandgap, VDDA or external
    • Simultaneous sampling
    • Deep Sleep operation with duty-cycling
    • 64-sample FIFO in each ADC
    • Dedicated 16-bit timer for trigger
    • Sensor for die temperature measurement
  • 12-bit, 500 Ksps DAC

    • Reference sources: 1.2 V bandgap (buffered through opamp), external input or VDDA

    • Output buffered through opamp
    • Ability to hold output in System Deep Sleep state
  • 1.2V bandgap reference

    • Deep Sleep operation
  • Dual low-power comparators

    • Ultra Low-power (ULP) mode for operation in System Hibernate mode
    • Interrupt generation to wakeup the device
    • CAPSENSE™ Capacitive Touch
    • Self-capacitance (CSD) and mutual-capacitance sensing (CSX)
    • SmartSense auto-tuning
  • Dual analog multiplexer buses

    • Interconnects GPIOs and analog peripherals
    • Ability to split the buses to make multiple connections
  • Deep Sleep clock for operating the SAR ADC

Sourced from either 2 MHz Low-Power Oscillator (LPOSC) or Medium Frequency Clock. For the details of each peripheral, see the Technical Reference Manual.

Differences with other PSoC 6 devices

Table 1 provides a comparison of CY8C62x4 with other PSoC devices.

Table 1. Comparison of CY8C62x4 with other PSoC 6 devices

FeatureCY8C62x4Other PSoC 6 devices

Number of SAR ADCs



Maximum ADC sample rate

2 Msps in system LP/ULP mode and 100 Ksps in System Deep Sleep mode

1 Msps/2 Msps2

SAR ADC in System Deep Sleep mode




Dedicated timer for SAR ADC trigger



Low-power Oscillator (LPOSC)


Configurable number of ADC scans per trigger

One scan per trigger or continuous scan

Analog reference in System Deep Sleep mode

Opamp in System Deep Sleep mode

Always ON or power cycle

Always ON

DAC in System Deep Sleep mode4

For more details on low-power operation of analog blocks, see Low-power mode operation of analog resources section.

2 Maximum sample rate depends on the device family.
3 One timer for both the SAR ADCs.
4 DAC output held constant at a configured value in system Deep Sleep mode.

Analog routing

Along with the rich set of analog blocks, CY8C62x4 provides flexible routing to implement circuit configurations that can be dynamically controlled. Figure 2 illustrates the analog routing diagram.

SARMUX: SARMUX is used by the SAR ADC to connect to different sources such as GPIOs, opamp outputs, and temperature sensor. There are two SARMUX blocks in the device, one for each ADC.

SARBUS: SARBUS is used sby the SAR ADC to connect to Opamps via SARMUX. There are two SARBUS blocks: SARBUS0 and SARBUS1.

Analog Multiplexer Bus (AMUXBUS): AMUXBUS is used to interconnect GPIOs from certain ports and to route signals to/from the peripherals. There are two analog mux buses in the device: AMUXBUSA and AMUXBUSB. These buses can be split to create multiple segments which helps to route more than two signals. Note that AMUXBUS connections are not available in Deep Sleep and Hibernate modes. If Deep Sleep or Hibernate operation is required, the Low-power comparator must be connected to the dedicated pins. This restriction also includes routing of any internally-generated signal, which uses the AMUXBUS for the connection.

Dedicated port pins for the peripherals provide slight advantage over other pins in terms of routing resistance and capacitance. See AN218241 – PSoC 6 MCU Hardware Design Considerations for the recommended pins.

Figure 2. Analog routing in CY8C62x4

2 Maximum sample rate depends on the device family.
3 One timer for both the SAR ADCs.
4 DAC output held constant at a configured value in system Deep Sleep mode.

Low-power mode operation of analog resources

This section describes Deep Sleep operation of analog resources in detail. Table 2 provides the operational capability in different low-power modes.

Table 2. Operation in low-power modes

Analog resourceSystem LP/ULPSystem deep sleepSystem hibernate





Analog reference (AREF)





Low-power comparators




AMUXBUS switches



If you are not familiar with the low-power modes of PSoC™ 6, see AN219528 – PSoC 6 MCU Low-Power Modes and Power Reduction Techniques.


SAR ADCs are supported with resources to operate autonomously in System Deep Sleep mode. These resources include the analog reference generator, LPOSC or medium-frequency clock for running both the SAR ADCs, timer for trigger (common for both ADCs), and a FIFO for storing the data.

The ADCs operate in one of the following two modes:

  • Always-ON in LP/ULP mode and powered-OFF in System Deep Sleep mode
  • Always-ON in LP/ULP mode and duty-cycling in System Deep Sleep mode

Figure 3 illustrates the operation of an ADC in System Deep Sleep mode and the transition from or to LP/ULP mode.

Figure 3. Operation of ADC

In the LP/ULP mode, the ADC is in an always-on state along with the supporting resources. In the System Deep Sleep mode, the ADC remains powered-off until timer trigger is received. The timer is the only option for an ADC trigger in System Deep Sleep mode. Upon receiving a trigger, a programmable delay (called as power-up delay) is initiated to allow the ADC, the analog reference and LPOSC clock6 to settle before the conversion begins. After this delay, conversion of all enabled channels begins (which corresponds to one scan) and the results are stored in the FIFO. Power for the ADC is then turned OFF and it waits for the next timer trigger.

If both ADCs are used in System Deep Sleep mode, power is not turned OFF until results from both ADCs are moved to their respective FIFOs.

Interrupts are enabled to allow the ADC to wake up the device (see section Interrupts).

Figure 4 illustrates the timing diagram of SAR ADC duty-cycling in System Deep Sleep mode and the resulting average current consumption.

Figure 4. Timing diagram for ADC duty cycling

Clock source and limitations

For operating in System Deep Sleep mode, SAR ADC should be clocked from either LPOSC or Medium Frequency Clock. The same clock can be used while operating in System LP/ULP mode. But, using LPOSC or Medium Frequency Clock brings in certain limitation as Table 3 shows.

Table 3. Limitations in SAR ADC based on clock selection

FeaturePeripheral clockLPOSC or medium frequency clock

Applicable device operating mode

System LP/ULP mode

System LP/ULP mode and System Deep Sleep mode

Maximum clock frequency

36v MHz

2 MHz

Trigger source

Firmware, GPIOs, TCPWMs, Timer or LPCOMP


Continuous conversion


Not available

Interleaved averaging


Not available

Result register


Not available (only FIFO)

Collision and overflow interrupt


Not available

Injection channel conversion and associated interrupts7


Not available

7 See Technical Reference Manual of the device for the details.

Input options

In System Deep Sleep mode, the ADC can receive the inputs from the opamp outputs and from SARMUX port pins. Inputs from other port pins are not available because the AMUXBUS switches do not work in System Deep Sleep mode.


The following interrupts are available to wake up the device from System Deep Sleep mode or when LPOSC/Medium Frequency Clock is used:

  • End of Scan (EOS) – Interrupt is generated at the end of conversion of all the enabled channels or after a “Scan Count” number of scans. Scan Count is specified to execute specific number of scans per trigger
  • SAR Range Detection – Interrupt is generated when the channel result satisfies the configured condition
  • SAR Saturation – Interrupt is generated when the conversion result (before averaging, if enabled) is equal to the minimum or maximum value. This interrupt can individually be enabled for each channel
  • FIFO Level – Interrupt is generated when the number of data samples in the FIFO exceeds the configured “Level” value
  • FIFO Overflow – Interrupt is generated when new data sample is posted into an already full FIFO
  • FIFO Underflow – Interrupt is generated when the CPU or the DMA tries to read an empty FIFO

For a complete list of interrupts, see the ADC chapter in the Technical Reference Manual.

6 Settling time is required for the supporting resources if these resources are duty-cycled along with the ADC. The analog reference generator remains powered-on if CTBm does not use duty-cycling setting (see Opamp section for details). LPOSC duty-cycling is optional and it can remain ON continuously in System Deep Sleep mode.
7 See Technical Reference Manual of the device for the details.


Similar to the ADCs, the opamps can also work in System Deep Sleep mode, in the following modes:

  • Always-ON in LP/ULP mode and powered-OFF in System Deep Sleep mode
  • Always-ON in LP/ULP mode and duty-cycling in System Deep Sleep mode
  • Always-ON in LP/ULP mode and System Deep Sleep mode

Note that the ADC does not have a mode (c) available. Opamp mode (c) is useful to avoid wake up times which could be longer with larger external passive components in the opamp feedback path.

The duty-cycling of opamps is linked to the duty-cycling of the ADCs in System Deep Sleep mode, as Figure 5 shows. Duty-cycling of opamps is possible only when at least one of the ADCs is used in System Deep Sleep mode. The timer trigger wakes up both the opamps and the enabled ADCs. When the conversions are complete, the opamps and ADCs are powered-OFF at the same time. When opamp duty-cycling is not used8 or if the ADCs are configured to operate only in LP/ULP mode, the opamps remain ON continuously throughout the System Deep Sleep time.

Figure 5. Duty-cycled SAR ADC and opamps

Analog reference is used by both the SAR ADCs and the opamps; charge pump is used by Opamps to boost its input range. Their state in System Deep Sleep mode depends on the settings of SAR ADCs and Opamps as Table 4 shows.

Table 4. Analog reference and charge pump in system deep sleep mode

Opamps in system deep sleep modeAnalog referenceCharge pump


Always-ON if atleast one of the SAR ADCs is configured for operation in System Deep Sleep mode








Note: It is not possible to keep one Opamp in Duty-cycle mode and another Opamp in Always-ON mode.

Power modes

Each opamp has three power settings: high, medium and low; there is additional option to select a 100 nA or a 1 µA current reference from the Analog Reference block which is common for all the opamps in the device. These give a total of six configurable power options for the opamps. Table 5 provides data for the current consumption and gain-bandwidth product while operating the opamp in System Deep Sleep mode.

Table 5. Opamp in system deep sleep mode

Opamp power modeAREF current9Current consumption – typical (µA)Gain-BW product typical (MHz)


1 µA




1 µA




1 µA




0.1 µA




0.1 µA




0.1 µA



Higher the power setting, higher the gain-bandwidth product and higher the current consumption for a given AREF current. Power setting also affects other opamp parameters. Refer the device datasheet for details.

9 Note that the selected AREF current is common for all the opamps in the device.
8 Duty-cycling is disabled for pamps when peripheral clock is selected for the charge pump circuit. To use opamps in duty-cycling mode, select deep sleep clock as clock source for opamps.
9 Note that the selected AREF current is common for all the opamps in the device.


DAC, in System Deep Sleep mode, can hold its last configured value. It is not possible to change this value during System Deep Sleep mode. This voltage is buffered using CTBm opamp and driven to a pin. This is useful in applications, where voltage is continuously required for biasing.

There is another useful feature of duty-cycling the DAC which works in conjunction with S/H circuit of CTBm. In this method, firmware connects DAC output to Opamp input in order to sample the DAC output and then DAC is disconnected and powered down. Opamp input is held at a certain potential which is periodically refreshed using firmware. Figure 6 shows a simplified diagram of S/H between DAC and opamp. For the detailed configuration, refer the Technical Reference Manual.

Figure 6. DAC - opamp S/H

Analog reference (AREF)

The AREF block generates voltage and current references required for SAR ADCs, Opamps, DAC and CAPSENSE. This block can operate in both System LP/ULP and System Deep Sleep modes. In the System Deep Sleep mode, AREF block can be configured in different modes as Table 6 shows.

Table 6. AREF in system deep sleep mode

AREF settingDetails



Fast wakeup

This mode is useful for fast startup from disabled state to active state while transitioning from System Deep Sleep mode to System LP/ULP mode. Reference voltage and current are not available in System Deep Sleep mode.

Opamp reference current enabled

In this mode, AREF provides reference current to the CTBm Opamps. No voltage reference is available.

All references enabled

In this mode, voltage and current references are available. As explained in the Opamp section, AREF is required for opamp to operate in Deep Sleep mode, therefore AREF also needs to duty-cycle if the opamp is configured to duty-cycle in System Deep Sleep mode.

AREF current, available to the CTBm opamps, can be configured to either 100 nA or 1 μA which affects the power consumption (see Table 5).

Low-power comparator (LPCOMP)

LPCOMP is the only analog block capable of operating even in Hibernate mode. There are two LPCOMPs in the device. It provides an option to generate interrupt so as to wake up the device. The block provides three programmable power levels: normal, low, and ultra-low. The response time of the block increases with the decrease in the power level as Table 7 shows.

Table 7. LPCOMP modes

LPCOMP power modeCurrent consumption – maximum (µA)Response time – maximum (µs)










Power mode selection also impacts other parameters of the block. Refer the device datasheet for the specifications.

5 DAC output can only be held at a configured value in System Deep Sleep.
6 Settling time is required for the supporting resources if these resources are duty-cycled along with the ADC. The analog reference generator remains powered-on if CTBm does not use duty-cycling setting (see Opamp section for details). LPOSC duty-cycling is optional and it can remain ON continuously in System Deep Sleep mode.
7 See Technical Reference Manual of the device for the details.
8 Duty-cycling is disabled for pamps when peripheral clock is selected for the charge pump circuit. To use opamps in duty-cycling mode, select deep sleep clock as clock source for opamps.
9 Note that the selected AREF current is common for all the opamps in the device.

Power optimization techniques

This section provides different ways to reduce the power consumption while using analog blocks of the device.

Power modes of the block

Opamps and LPCOMPs provide configurable power options. Depending on the application requirement, block power can be optimized. Note that lower power levels come with a penalty on the performance. Refer the Opamp section and Low-power comparator (LPCOMP) section for details.

Duty-cycling the blocks

Many applications do not require continuous scanning of analog inputs and the CPU in its operation in the field. In such cases, duty-cycling of analog sources in System Deep Sleep mode yields significant power savings. Following sections describe three scenarios with the use of duty-cycling for SAR ADC and Opamp. Bench current measurement is done using the CY8CKIT-062S4 PSoC 62S4 Pioneer Kit.

Example: SAR ADC

Consider an application which uses one SAR ADC. Table 8 and Figure 7 provides power consumption results for the device for two cases – when the SAR ADC is operated in System ULP mode and when duty-cycling is used in System Deep Sleep mode.

Table 8. Example - device power consumption with SAR ADC

Device power modeAverage device current (mA)Conditions

System ULP mode (CPU Active)


CPU is in active state executing loop instruction. SAR ADC is always powered-ON, sampling periodically at 1 kHz with the scan time of 1 ms.

System ULP mode (CPU Sleep)


CPU is set to sleep, SAR ADC is always powered-ON, sampling periodically at 1 kHz with the scan time of 1 ms.

System Deep Sleep mode


SAR ADC power is duty-cycled and it samples periodically at 1 kHz with the scan time of 1 ms. Interrupt is disabled to keep the device in System Deep Sleep.

Figure 7. SAR in system ULP and deep sleep modes


The current measurement in Figure 7 setup uses the following key settings:

  • Core Regulator: ULP, Normal Current LDO
  • PLL Frequency: 50 MHz, FLL: Disabled
  • CM4 Frequency: 50 MHz
  • VDDA: 3.3 V

SAR is configured with following settings:

  • SAR Clock: Duty-cycled LPOSC 2 MHz
  • Vref: VDDA

  • Acquisition time: 1 µs
  • Number of channels: 1
  • Timer frequency/period: 1 kHz/1 ms
  • Timer clock input: ILO
  • Averaging: Enabled- 16 samples
  • Power-up delay: 20 µs
  • Calculated conversion time (scan time): 136 µs

Example: SAR ADC + opamp

For the application with opamp buffer output connected to SAR ADC, Table 9 and Figure 8 provides the bench current measurement results. Three uses cases demonstrated: both the SAR ADC and opamp operated in System ULP mode without duty-cycling, with duty-cycled SAR ADC and always-ON Opamp in System Deep Sleep mode and with duty-cycled SAR ADC and Opamp in System Deep Sleep mode.

Table 9. Example – device power consumption with SAR ADC and opamp

Device power modeAverage device current (mA)Conditions

System ULP mode (CPU is active)


CPU is in active state executing loop instruction. SAR ADC and opamp are always powered-ON, SAR sampling the opamp output periodically at 1 kHz with the scan time of 1 ms.

In this case, opamp charge pump is enabled with peripheral clock.

System ULP mode (CPU in sleep)


CPU is set to sleep, SAR ADC and opamp are always powered-ON, SAR samples the opamp output periodically at 1 kHz with the scan time of 1 ms.

In this case, the opamp charge pump is enabled with peripheral clock.

System Deep Sleep mode with Opamp always-ON


SAR ADC power is duty-cycled and opamp is always ON. SAR ADC samples periodically at 1 kHz with the scan time of 1 ms. Interrupt is disabled; hence CPU never gets woken up.

In this case, the opamp charge pump is disabled, resulting in reduced input range.

System Deep Sleep mode with Opamp duty-cycled


SAR ADC and opamp power are duty-cycled. SAR ADC samples periodically at 1 kHz with the scan time of 1 ms. Interrupt is disabled to keep the device in System Deep Sleep mode. In this case, the opamp charge pump is enabled with LPOSC clock.

Figure 8. SAR ADC and opamp in system ULP and deep sleep modes

The current measurement in Figure 8 setup uses the following key settings:

  • Core Regulator: ULP, Normal Current LDO
  • PLL Frequency: 50 MHz, FLL: Disabled
  • CM4 Frequency: 50 MHz
  • VDDA: 3.3 V

SAR is configured with following settings:

  • SAR Clock: Duty-cycled LPOSC 2 MHz
  • Vref: VDDA

  • Acquisition time: 1 µs
  • Number of channels: 1
  • Timer frequency/period: 1 kHz/1 ms
  • Timer clock input: ILO
  • Averaging: Enabled- 16 samples
  • Power-up delay: 20 µs10
  • Calculated conversion time (scan time): 136 µs

Opamp is configured with following settings:

  • Follower configuration
  • Power mode: High
  • AREF current: 1 µA
  • Pump clock: 24 MHz System Resources Pump Clock or 2 MHz LPOSC clock

The Low Power Analog Front- End using OpAmp and SAR ADC code example available on GitHub can be used as reference to get started with configuring and programming for low power designs.

10 Note that if the opamp circuit uses external passive components, additional delay should be included to account for the opamp output settling.
10 Note that if the opamp circuit uses external passive components, additional delay should be included to account for the opamp output settling.

SAR ADC scan frequency

One scan of SAR ADC involves sampling and conversion of all the enabled channels. When duty-cycling is used, power savings depend on the interval between the two scans triggered by the Timer. Longer the interval, that is lower the scan frequency, lower the power consumption. For applications where the signal to be measured vary slowly, the scan interval should be set longer.

Based on the test settings provided in Example: SAR ADC section (except for the timer clock input; here, WCO is used instead of ILO for better accuracy), Figure 9 shows current numbers with the bench testing with CY8CKIT-062S4 PSoC™ 62S4 Pioneer Kit for different scan frequencies and average sample count while operating in System Deep Sleep mode.

Figure 9. Device current vs SAR ADC scan frequency

SAR ADC acquisition time

Acquisition time of SAR ADC channels should be set to minimum possible value to reduce the operating time of SAR ADC and power consumption. Acquisition time is selected from one of the four programmable 10-bit fields. If the SAR ADC clock is set to peripheral clock of 36 MHz (maximum frequency), the acquisition time can be set from 83 ns (three clocks) to 28 µs. With 2 MHz LPOSC or Medium Frequency Clock, the acquisition time can be set from 0.5 µs (1 clock) to 512 µs. Selection of the acquisition time depends on the source resistance, input resistance, and input capacitance of SAR ADC.

Figure 10 shows the equivalent diagram of the SAR ADC input. When the acquisition begins with the closing of SWACQ, the CHOLD charges towards the input signal value. For 12-bit resolution, it takes 9RC time to charge within ½ LSB of the final value. Therefore, the minimum acquisition time is as shown below.

TACQ ≥ 9 × R × CHOLD


R = RSRC + RSW1 + RSW2

RSRC = Source resistance

RSW1 = SAR sampling switch resistance

RSW2 = Routing resistance

C = CHOLD is the SAR input capacitance and it is typically 5pF

Figure 10. SAR acquisition time

If the input is taken from SARMUX port pins, RSW1 + RSW2 is typically 1 kΩ. If routing involves SARBUS or AMUX bus, additional resistance should be included which results in increased acquisition time requirement. It is therefore recommended to use SARMUX port pins for SAR ADC inputs.

Note: If the averaging is enabled, there will be a multiplying effect on the acquisition time selected. For example, if the averaging count is 16 and the acquisition time is 1 µs more than what is required, then it would cause wastage of power in 16 µs of time. For example, if the total amount of time spent is 152 µs out of 1 ms instead of 136 µs as shown in Example: SAR ADC section, a loss of approximately 12% more power occurs.

SAR ADC reference buffer

Each SAR ADC includes a reference buffer to drive its reference. The input options to the reference buffer are the 1.2 V from Analog Reference block and VDDA/2. The other options (VDDA and external reference from the GPIO) are connected directly to the reference terminal of SAR ADC and the reference buffer is disabled. Thus, power can be saved if VDDA or external reference is used. Refer the device datasheet for the current consumption with internal and external reference specifications.

Reference buffer power can be adjusted based on the SAR ADC clock frequency. ModusToolbox™ software automatically configures the buffer power based on the selected clock frequency. If SAR ADC is configured manually, then buffer power should be configured to 100% when operating above 18 MHz, 60% when operating at 3.6 MHz to 18 MHz, and 30% when operating below 3.6 MHz. Refer the Technical Reference Manual for more details.

The reference buffer output can be routed to pin for filtering using a bypass capacitor11. Start up time of the SAR ADC block varies with the capacitor used for the internal reference voltage filtering as Table 10 shows.

Table 10. Startup times

Reference and Bypass CapacitorMaximum Start Up Time (µs)

Internal reference without bypass capacitor, external or VDDA reference


Internal reference with 100 nF


11 Internal reference voltage filtering using bypass capacitor is required for operating the SAR ADC at 18 MHz maximum frequency (i.e. for 1 Msps sample rate). If not used, the maximum clock frequency can be 3.6 MHz (that is, 200 Ksps sample rate). For frequencies higher than 18 MHz and up to 36 MHz, VDDA or external reference should be used; reference buffer cannot be used. Also, for using clock frequencies higher than 18 MHz, VDDA should be minimum 2.7 V. see the device datasheet for specifications.

LPOSC or medium frequency clock

SAR ADC is clocked from one of the two options for operating in System Deep Sleep mode. Medium Frequency Clock is derived from System Deep Sleep operable Internal Main Oscillator (IMO) which consumes slightly more current than the LPOSC with the identical accuracy. LPOSC can be duty-cycled as explained in LPOSC duty-cycling section below. Therefore, use the LPOSC for additional power savings.

LPOSC duty-cycling

LPOSC provides an option to duty-cycle along with SAR ADC power, thus, providing power savings while SAR is powered-down in System Deep Sleep mode. If SAR ADC is configured to use Medium Frequency Clock, turn OFF the LPOSC to save power. When duty-cycling is enabled for LPOSC, ensure the Timer (which is the only trigger source in System Deep Sleep mode) is clocked using ILO or WCO.

Power-up delay

As described in SAR ADCs section, power-up delay allows the SAR ADC (mainly, the reference buffer), Analog Reference, LPOSC and Opamp (if used with duty-cycling) to settle before sampling and conversion process begins. Power-up delay is an 8-bit configuration value, clocked from either LPOSC or Medium Frequency Clock selected for the SAR ADC; i.e., Power-up delay can range from 0 to 127.5 µs.

The minimum value of power-up delay required is 20 µs. If your design includes external elements that require more settling time, increase the delay until there is no transient in the output. If the maximum delay is reached and output still has transient, modify your design to reduce the settling time required or throw away the initial few samples.

FIFO chain

Each SAR ADC in the device is equipped with its own FIFO of 64 samples depth to collect the measurement results in System Deep Sleep mode. FIFO chaining is possible wherein, FIFO associated with the second SAR ADC (SAR ADC 1) is chained to the FIFO of the first SAR ADC (SAR ADC 0), thereby, doubling the depth of the resulting FIFO. Note that this combined FIFO will load results only from SAR ADC 0. It helps to load larger number of results, while being in System Deep Sleep mode; thus, saving the power. Use FIFO chaining whenever faster sampling is used or when CPU processing is performed on large samples at a slower rate.


When the device wakes up, there are two options to read the FIFO data: using CPU or DMA. Using DMA saves the power and is useful when larger samples are required to be accumulated which cannot fit even in the chained FIFO. In this case, DMA can be used to move the FIFO data into memory when the CPU is in Sleep mode. When the required number of samples are accumulated, CPU can then be woken up for processing.

10 Note that if the opamp circuit uses external passive components, additional delay should be included to account for the opamp output settling.
11 Internal reference voltage filtering using bypass capacitor is required for operating the SAR ADC at 18 MHz maximum frequency (i.e. for 1 Msps sample rate). If not used, the maximum clock frequency can be 3.6 MHz (that is, 200 Ksps sample rate). For frequencies higher than 18 MHz and up to 36 MHz, VDDA or external reference should be used; reference buffer cannot be used. Also, for using clock frequencies higher than 18 MHz, VDDA should be minimum 2.7 V. see the device datasheet for specifications.


This application note provides an overview of the PSoC 62 MCU CY8C62x4, its low-power features and suggestions for implementing power-efficient applications.


Application Notes

  1. AN228571 - Getting Started with PSoC 6 MCU on ModusToolbox™

  2. AN219528 - PSoC 6 MCU Low-Power Modes and Power Reduction Techniques

Code Examples

  1. CE230699 - PSoC 6 MCU SAR ADC Low-Power Sensing – Thermistor and Ambient Light Sensor

  2. CE230700 - PSoC 6 MCU Low-Power Analog Front End

  3. CE230701 - PSoC 6 MCU Simultaneous Sampling SAR ADCs

Revision history

Document versionDate of releaseDescription of changes



Initial release.

*A2022-07-21Template update.

Completing Sunset review.

Updated reference links.

1 "duty cycle" term is used for the "power cycle" feature in CY8C62x4 product line.
2 Maximum sample rate depends on the device family.
3 One timer for both the SAR ADCs.
4 DAC output held constant at a configured value in system Deep Sleep mode.
5 DAC output can only be held at a configured value in System Deep Sleep.
6 Settling time is required for the supporting resources if these resources are duty-cycled along with the ADC. The analog reference generator remains powered-on if CTBm does not use duty-cycling setting (see Opamp section for details). LPOSC duty-cycling is optional and it can remain ON continuously in System Deep Sleep mode.
7 See Technical Reference Manual of the device for the details.
8 Duty-cycling is disabled for pamps when peripheral clock is selected for the charge pump circuit. To use opamps in duty-cycling mode, select deep sleep clock as clock source for opamps.
9 Note that the selected AREF current is common for all the opamps in the device.
10 Note that if the opamp circuit uses external passive components, additional delay should be included to account for the opamp output settling.
11 Internal reference voltage filtering using bypass capacitor is required for operating the SAR ADC at 18 MHz maximum frequency (i.e. for 1 Msps sample rate). If not used, the maximum clock frequency can be 3.6 MHz (that is, 200 Ksps sample rate). For frequencies higher than 18 MHz and up to 36 MHz, VDDA or external reference should be used; reference buffer cannot be used. Also, for using clock frequencies higher than 18 MHz, VDDA should be minimum 2.7 V. see the device datasheet for specifications.