About this document

Scope and purpose

This document guides you on how to transition the PSoC™ 64 MCU into the return merchandise authorization (RMA) life cycle stage. Devices in RMA mode can be returned to Infineon for failure analysis. The companion code example in CE237184 – PSoC™ 64 MCU: Transition to RMA demonstrates RMA mode transitioning of the PSoC™ 64 MCU.

Intended audience

This application note is intended for users who want to learn more about the RMA process on the PSoC™ 64 family of devices.


Return merchandise authorization (RMA) is the life cycle stage of the PSoC™ 64 MCU that allows the device to return to Infineon for the purpose of evaluation or failure analysis. To place a device in the RMA stage, the internal code must successfully execute the TransitionToRMA system call. This system call is only valid when the device is in SECURE_CLAIMED stage. See the System call API for details about this system call.

To transition the device into RMA, update the RMA policy section in the policy file before the device is provisioned. This policy contains information about the key used for the RMA process as well as the flash regions that may contain sensitive code or data that needs to be destroyed before the device is transitioned into RMA. For details on how to update this policy, see RMA policy.

For information on getting started with the PSoC™ 64 MCU, see the PSoC™ 64 Secure Boot SDK User Guide.

Life cycle stages

PSoC™ 64 MCUs have configurable and non-volatile life cycle stages. Writing to the proper eFuse bits governs a strict, irreversible progression of life cycle stages. eFuse is a non-volatile memory area, with each bit being one-time programmable (OTP). 1 byte (8 fuses) is reserved for life cycle. For more information, see AN221111 - PSoC™ 6 MCU designing a custom secured system.

The life cycle stages can transition only from one stage to the next and cannot be reversed. For example, when the life cycle has transitioned from SECURE_UNCLAIMED to SECURE_CLAIMED stage, it cannot be transitioned back to SECURE_UNCLAIMED stage. It may remain in SECURE_CLAIMED stage or transition to RMA.

Once the device has been transitioned to the RMA stage, it can never be changed to the SECURE_UNCLAIMED or SECURE_CLAIMED stage. Therefore, Infineon recommends the user to transition the device to the RMA stage only if the device needs to be analyzed for failure analysis.

By default, the PSoC™ 64 MCU leaves the Infineon factory in the SECURE_UNCLAIMED stage.

Figure 1. Life cycle stages

RMA process

The RMA process involves the user transitioning the device into the RMA stage and shipping the device to Infineon, along with the signed JWT package. Ensure that the device does not contain any user-sensitive information at the RMA stage, as it will be erased, as per the user-defined RMA policy, before moving the device to RMA.

After the device is transitioned into the RMA stage, when it boots, it does not attempt to execute any code in user flash. Instead, it waits for an OpenRMA system call. The OpenRMA system call requires the same signed JWT packet as a parameter that was used to place the device in the RMA stage. When the part is sent to Infineon for failure analysis, it must include the signed JWT packet that contains the device DIE_ID. The JWT packet will only work for the part with the corresponding DIE_ID.

Figure 2. RMA process

Use any of the following options to perform the TransitionToRMA system call:

  • Option 1: The Cortex®-M0+ or Cortex®-M4 user application may be designed to perform the TransitionToRMA system call upon a user-defined trigger, such as a button press.

    • An example of a device that uses the Cortex®-M4 application and button press to perform TransitionToRMA can be found in the Code example.
      Note: If the device failure occurs during the booting of the user application, you cannot perform TransitionToRMA using this option.
  • Option 2: The system call may be performed through the SYS-AP; to be able to achieve this, the SYS-AP should not be in a disabled state. Ensure that SYS-AP access is enabled in the policy file before provisioning the device. See more details about the debug port policies in the PSoC™ 64 Secure Boot SDK User Guide.

Follow these steps to ensure support for future RMA transitions:

  1. Before provisioning the device, ensure that the "rma" policy fields are updated in the provisioning packet, as described in the RMA policy.
  2. If you plan to use the SYS-AP to perform the RMA transition, ensure that the SYS-AP ports are enabled as per the policy described in the PSoC™ 64 Secure Boot SDK User Guide.
  3. Generate the JSON web token (JWT) signed by the key specified in the "rma" policy. This JWT must be passed as a parameter to execute the TransitionToRMA system call.
  4. Optionally, design your application to support the TransitionToRMA system call and preload the JWT packet when required to be used.
  5. Provision and program the device as described in the PSoC™ 64 Secure Boot SDK User Guide.

Follow these steps to perform the RMA transition on parts requiring failure analysis:

  1. To transition the device life cycle to RMA, execute the TransitionToRMA system call. The system call can only be executed in the SECURE_CLAIMED life cycle stage.

    The system call can be performed from a supported user application or via the debug access port (DAP) port if it is enabled.

    Note: As this transition performs eFuse programming, VDDIO0 should be set to 2.5 V for successful operation. For VDDIO0 supply, see the "Pinouts" section in the PSoC™ 6 MCU: datasheet.
  2. Once the device is in the RMA stage, it may be shipped to Infineon along with the same JWT packet that was used to transition the device into RMA.
  3. Infineon will perform an OpenRMA system call on the returned device to evaluate or perform a failure analysis.

The JWT required at the time of the RMA transition must have the following features:

  • At the time of provisioning the device, the “rma” policy must specify a key that signs the JWT packet and contains the DIE_ID.

  • The user has the option to pregenerate this JWT packet and store it in flash or to provide a method to generate and transfer it to the device through a user-defined interface.

    Note: The cysecuretools package supports the transit-to-rma and open-rma commands.

    For details on cysecuretools, see the PSoC™ 64 Secure Boot SDK User Guide.

System call API

The process of transitioning the device into the RMA stage is implemented as a system call. System calls can be performed by Cortex®-M0+ and Cortex®-M4, or via the debug access port (DAP). Each has a reserved IPC structure through which the user can request the execution of a system call. The opcodes (8-bit numbers) are used to identify different system calls. The caller sends an IPC structure pointer via IPC message to be written to the IPC data register. The IPC structure pointer points to the SRAM address that holds the LCS parameters. This results in an NMI interrupt in Cortex®-M0+, where the system call is executed. When the system call execution is complete, the IPC structure is released, and the caller can read a return code in the data register of the IPC structure. For more information about PSoC™ 64 system calls, see the device-specific documents in the PSoC™ 6 reference manuals.

The TransitionToRMA system call transitions the parts from the SECURE to the RMA life cycle stage. Before transitioning to the RMA stage, the system call destroys the eFuse and erases flash content five times as specified in the RMA policy. A JWT packet that contains the DIE_ID that is signed by a specified installed private key is passed as a parameter to the system call. The TransitionToRMA system call uses indirect parameter passing.

The system call return code is a 32-bit value. The return code and output data are passed in a similar way as input parameters. The data register of the IPC structure can contain either the return code or a pointer to the SRAM, where the return code and output data are stored (if they are provided by the system call).

Table 1. IPC structure data registers
AddressValue to be writtenDescription




SRAM address where the API parameters are stored. This must be a 32-bit aligned address.




Opcode for TransitionToRMA



Not used




SRAM address where the API parameters are stored. This must be a 32-bit aligned address.




Length of JWT packet



JWT packet

The JWT packet should contain an "auth" object including the valid DIE_ID range. It should be signed by the private key mentioned in the Debug Policy/RMA/Key.

Table 2. TransitionToRMA system call
AddressReturn valueDescription




Status code


Error status

See the "System Call Status" section in device-specific documents in the PSoC™ 64 reference manuals for more details.

For more details about the JWT format, see JSON web token.

RMA policy

A policy, in the context of a PSoC™ 64 device, is a JSON file that defines the device's operation modes, debug access, code updates, and so on. The policy is injected into the device during provisioning and consists of a collection of JSON tokens defined by Infineon and a number of tokens defined by the user.

Update the "rma" section of the debug policy in the provisioning JWT file before provisioning the device. Set the RMA permission to “allowed” and update the key used to sign the JWT. This policy should include any areas of flash that may contain proprietary code or sensitive data.

Code Listing 1 RMA policy structure

"rma" : (
"permission" : "STRING VALUE ",
"destroy_fuses" : [
"start" : Integer Value,
"size" : Integer Value
"destroy_flash" : [
"start" : Integer Value,
"size" : Integer Value
"start" : Integer Value,
"size" : Integer Value

"key" : Integer Value
Table 3. RMA policy fields
ObjectDescriptionRange of valid values

rma: permission

Specifies if RMA is allowed

  • "disabled": RMA is not allowed
  • "allowed": The RMA stage is available and can be entered by presenting a JWT to a system call API. The system will destroy fuse and flash contents as specified in <destroy_fuses> and <destroy_flash> before transitioning to the RMA stage.

rma: destroy_fuses: start

Starting fuse bit number for region

0~65535. Check the device-specific datasheet for the permitted eFuse address.

rma: destroy_fuses: size

Number of fuse bits in region

0~65535. Check the device-specific datasheet for the permitted eFuse size.

rma: destroy_flash: start

Starting byte address of region (will be rounded down to nearest program/erase boundary)0~0xFFFFFFFF. Check the device-specific datasheet for the permitted flash address.

rma: destroy_flash: size

Size in bytes of region (will be rounded up so the region is an integral number of program/erase units)

0~0xFFFFFFFF. Check the device-specific datasheet for the permitted flash size.

rma: key

The key slot number of the key used to validate authorization to enter the RMA stage.The key ID must be >3, pointing to the key provisioned in the custom_pub_key field.
Table 4. Sample RMA policy
JSON fieldDescription

"rma": (

Defines RMA behavior

        "permission" : "allowed",

RMA mode is allowed

        "destroy_fuses" : [

Indicates the eFuse region to be destroyed if entering the RMA mode


               "start": 888,

Starting bit number of the eFuses to be destroyed


Size in bits to be destroyed

         ) ],

        "destroy_flash" : [

Indicates the flash region to be destroyed if entering the RMA mode


               "start": 268435456,

Start address of the flash to be destroyed (0x10000000)

                "size": 512

Size in bytes to be destroyed


         "key": 5

KeyID used to validate an RMA request


For information on the PSoC™ 64 provisioning policies, see the PSoC™ 64 Secure Boot SDK User Guide.

JSON web token

The JSON web token (JWT) is a standard (RFC7519) URL-safe way of storing and transmitting any JSON object. A JWT packet is digitally signed to authenticate a sender and ensure the integrity of the payload.

A JWT is represented as a sequence of URL-safe parts separated by a period ('.'). Each part contains a base64url-encoded value. PSoC™ 64 supports JWTs that consist of three parts: header, payload, and signature. The JWT header format is as follows:

"alg": "ES256",
"typ": "JWT"

The "alg" field defines the digital signature algorithm used for packet signing. "ES256" is the only supported value, which is an ECDSA256 digital signing algorithm. The "typ" field defines the token type for transmitting any JSON object. Here, we are using the "JWT" token for the transmission.

A JWT payload is a base64url-encoded JSON object. For the RMA use case, the payload consists of the auth object, which includes the valid DIE_ID range.

A JWT signature is a base64url-encoded digital signature produced by the ECDSA256 algorithm.

The following example showcases the JWT token utilized in the context of the RMA transition:


The following table represents the fields of the JWT token:

Table 5. JWT token
JWT partsEncodedDecoded


( "alg": "ES256", "typ": "JWT")




"auth": (

"die_id": (

"max": (

"day": 255,

"lot": 16777215,

"month": 255,

"wafer": 255,

"xpos": 255,

"year": 255,

"ypos": 255


"min": (

"day": 0,

"lot": 0,

"month": 0,

"wafer": 0,

"xpos": 0,

"year": 0,

"ypos": 0







, KEY)

To generate the JWT from a JSON file, use the sign-cert command provided by the cysecuretools package (see README_PSOC™ 64.md for usage detail).

For details on cysecuretools, see the PSoC™ 64 Secure Boot SDK User Guide.

Code example

The CE237184 - PSoC™ 64 MCU: Transition to RMA CE demonstrates the process of transitioning the PSoC™ 64 MCU into RMA mode. In this example, the system call is performed by the Cortex®-M4 application on the Cortex®-M0+ processor. It contains a pregenerated JWT and executes the TransitionToRMA system call upon a button press by the user. For more information about this code example, see the "README" section in the CE237184 – PSoC™ 64 MCU: Transition to RMA.


APIApplication programming interface
DAPDebug access port
IPCInter-process communication
JSONJavaScript object notation
JWTJSON web token
MCUMicrocontroller unit
NMINon-maskable interrupt
OTPOne-time programmable
RMAReturn merchandise authorization
SRAMStatic random-access memory
URLUniform resource locator

Revision history

Document versionDate of releaseDescription of changes



  • Initial release